French grammar - A few irregular imparfait conjugations |
There are a couple of expectations to the general rule for forming l'imparfait: • For verbs that end in -cer - for example lancer - the present tense for nous is lançons. The imparfait is therefore based on the lanç- root as per normal except nous lancions and vous lanciez which loose the circumflex. • For verbs that end in -ger - for example manger - the present tense for nous is mangeons. The imparfait is therefore based on the mange- root as per normal except nous mangions and vous mangiez which loose the e. • The verb falloir which is only used impersonally in the expression il faut ('it is necessary') is fallait in the imparfait. • The verb pleuvoir ('to rain') which only used impersonally in the expression il pleut ('it rains' or 'it is raining') is pleuvait in the imparfait. |
Examples: | |
La route était bloquée et nous avancions donc très lentement.
The road was blocked and we so were moving very slowly.
Les chars avançaient rapidement à travers la campagne.
The tanks were advancing rapidly through the countryside.
Elle menaçait de le dénoncer à la police.
She threatened to report him to the police.
Pourquoi menaciez-vous de le virer ?
Why were you (formal) threatening to fire him?
Nous mangions du pain et du beurre à chaque repas.
We ate bread and butter with every meal.
Je mangeais du pop-corn et regardais un film.
I was eating popcorn and watching a movie.
Il fallait faire un détour.
It was necessary to take a detour.
Il nous fallait améliorer la qualité du travail.
We needed to improve the quality of work.
Il me fallait porter un parapluie partout.
I had to carry an umbrella everywhere. |
Il pleut maintenant.
It is raining now.
Il pleuvait hier matin.
It was raining in the morning yesterday.
Il pleuvait des cordes pendant le match.
It was raining heavily during the game.
Je savais qu'il pleuvait, alors j'ai mis un imperméable.
I knew that it was raining so I put on a raincoat.
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