French grammar - Feminine adjectives - doubling the final consonant |
As we saw, the general rule is to add -e to make a feminine adjective. But if the masculine adjective ends with an -n, -s, or -l then we double that final consonant before adding -e to make it feminine. For example: • bon ⇒ bonne - 'good' – double the -n and add an -e. • gros ⇒ grosse - 'fat' or 'big' – double the -s and add an -e. • gentil ⇒ gentille - 'nice' or 'kind' – double the -l and add an -e. |
Examples: | |
Le pain est très bon mais la tarte n'est pas bonne.
The bread is very good but the pie is not good. bon (m) means 'good' bon (m) ⇒ bonne (f) pain (m) means 'bread' tarte (f) means 'pie (usually sweet)' |
Est-elle gentille ?
Is she nice? gentil (m) means 'nice' or 'kind' gentil (m) ⇒ gentille (f) |
L'enseignant est gentil et la directrice est aussi gentille.
The teacher is nice and the directress is also nice. enseignant (m) means 'teacher' directrice (f) means 'headmistress' |
Le bâtiment dans le jardin est ancien.
The building in the garden is old. ancien (adj) means 'old' or 'ancient' |
La rue est ancienne.
The street is old. ancien (m) ⇒ ancienne (f) |
La music est trop basse.
The music is too low. bas (adj) means 'low' bas (m) ⇒ basse (f) |
La vie est cruelle.
Life is cruel. cruel (adj) means 'cruel' cruel (m) ⇒ cruelle (f) |
Le chat est gros mais heureux.
The cat is fat but happy. gros (adj) means 'fat' or 'big' |
La chatte n'est pas grosse mais est aussi heureuse.
The cat (female) is not fat but is also happy. gros (m) ⇒ grosse (f) chatte (f) means 'female cat' |
Le bébé est mignon et la fille est aussi mignonne.
The baby is cute and the girl is also cute. mignon (adj) means 'cute' mignon (m) ⇒ mignonne (f) |
Julien n'est pas européen mais Veronica est européenne.
Julien is not European but Veronica is European. européen (m) means 'European' européen (m) ⇒ européenne (f) |
Juliette, est-elle vraiment australienne ? Non, mais David est australien.
Juliette, is she really Australian? No, but David is Australian. australien (adj) means 'Australian' australien (m) ⇒ australienne (f) |