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French grammar - Negating reflexive verbs

Negating reflexive verbs

Negating a reflexive verb is straight forward - simply the wrap the complete verb (including the reflexive pronoun) in ne..pas.

Elle ne se lave pas.
She doesn't wash.
Elle ne se maquille pas.
She doesn't wear make-up.

se maquiller (verb) means 'to put on makeup' or 'to wear makeup'

Il ne se couche pas trop tard.
He doesn't go to bed too late.
Je ne me lève pas tôt.
I don't get up early.
Cette dame ne s'appelle pas madame Dupont.
This lady is not called Madame Dupont.
Pourquoi tu ne te fâches pas contre ta fille ?
Why don't you (familiar) get mad at your daughter?
Il ne s'appelle pas Julien. Il s'appelle Jacques.
His name is not Julien. His name is Jacques.
Les enfants ne se cachent pas dans l'armoire.
Children don't hide in the closet.
Il ne s'amuse pas beaucoup.
He's not having much fun.
Pourquoi vous ne vous lavez pas tous les matins ?
Why don't you (formal) bathe every morning?
Je ne veux pas me raser.
I don't want to shave.

The auxiliary verb should be negated when dual verbs are used.

Il n'aime pas se tromper.
He doesn't like to be wrong.

The auxiliary verb should be negated when dual verbs are used.