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French grammar - Stressed pronouns - with prepositions and conjunctions

Stressed pronouns - with prepositions and conjunctions

The French stressed pronouns are:

je moi

tu toi

il lui

elle elle

nous nous

vous vous

ils eux

elles elles

And soi for unspecified persons - typically used with impersonal pronouns such as on, chacun, tout le monde etc.

Three common uses of stressed pronouns are:

After many prepositions such as à, par, pour, en, vers, avec, chez, de, sans, etc.

With many conjunctions such as ou, comme, et etc.

With the restrictives ne..que and

Note that the stressed pronouns (except soi) can refer only to people and animals.

Je viens avec toi.
I am coming with you (familiar).

With the presposition avec

Elle pense à moi.
She thinks of me.

With the presposition à

Je pense aussi à elle.
I also think of her.

With the presposition à

Les enfants sont avec leur père - ils jouent avec lui.
The children are with their father - they play with him.

With the presposition avec

Les gâteaux ont été faits par eux.
The cakes were made by them.

With the presposition par

par (prep.) means 'by' or 'via' or 'out of'

Nous remercions les Dupont - le café est fourni par eux.
We thank the Duponts - the coffee is provided by them.

With the presposition par

remercier (verb) means 'to thank'

fournir (verb) means 'to provide' or 'to supply'

On va au Japon sans vous cette fois.
We're going to Japan without you (formal) this time.

With the presposition sans

Mes filles ont du courage - j'ai confiance en elles.
My daughters have courage - I have confidence in them.

With the presposition en

avoir confiance (verb) means 'to have confidence (in someone)' or 'to trust'

Il a un cadeau pour elle.
He has a gift for her.

With the presposition pour

Il a proposé de le faire pour eux.
He offered to do it for them.

With the presposition pour

Le lion vient vers moi !
The lion is coming towards me!

With the presposition vers

vers (prep.) means 'towards' or 'in the direction of' or 'at about (a time)'

Un objet inconnu s'avance vers nous.
An unknown object is advancing towards us.

With the presposition vers

s'avancer (verb) means 'to advance' or 'to move forward'

Elle habite chez toi maintenant ?
Does she live at your (familiar) place now?

With the presposition chez

chez means 'to the home of' or 'at the business of'

Nous avons dîné chez eux.
We had dinner at their home.

With the presposition chez

Chez elle, il y a une piscine.
At her place, there is a swimming pool.

With the presposition chez

J'adore le sport, comme vous.
I love sports, like you (formal).

With the conjunction comme

Elle refuse de manger - tout comme toi.
She refuses to eat - just like you (familiar).

With the conjunction comme

Elles peuvent choisir entre lui ou moi.
They can choose between me or him.

With the conjunction ou

Note that moi always comes last for humbleness.

Michel et moi jouons au tennis.
Michel and I play tennis.

With the conjunction et

Ils ne peuvent voir ni elle ni moi.
They can't see me or her.

With the retriction

moi never comes first - out of politeness

Je ne pense ni à toi ni à lui.
I don't think of you (familiar) or him.

With the retriction

Je ne connais que lui ici.
I only know him here.

With the retriction ne..que

On est chez soi.
Everyone is at their home.

Literally 'One is at home.'

Chacun pour soi.
Each for themselves.

chacun (adj) means 'each'

Il faut avoir confiance en soi.
One must have confidence in oneself.

avoir confiance (verb) means 'to have confidence'

Chacun en soi est également important.
Each in itself is equally important.
C'est assez spécial en soi.
It's quite special in of itself.