Korean grammar - Also, too, in addition - 도 |
The particle 도 means 'also', 'too' or 'in addition'. This particle should not be confused with 더 which means 'more'. The particle 도 can be attached to noun and other particles (like prepositions for example). Also it can be attached to multiple nouns in the one phrase, including the first noun in a list of nouns. |
Examples: | |
축구도 아주 좋아해요.
(I) really like soccer too. |
제 여동생도 부산에 갈 거예요.
My younger sister will go to Busan too. |
우리는 지난가을에 프랑스로도 여행 갔어요.
We also travelled to France last fall/autumn. |
오늘 아침에 커피도 마실 거예요.
(I) will also drink coffee this morning. |
형은 모자도 사요.
(My) older brother buys a hat too. |
저는 친구랑 산 등반도 했어요.
(I) also went mountain climbing with a friend. |
제 친구도 키가 커요.
My friend is also tall. |
내일 우리는 신발도 살 거예요.
We will also buy shoes tomorrow. |
엄마도 꽃을 좋아해요.
Mom also likes flowers. |
그녀는 배구도 잘해요.
She is also good at volleyball. |
동생도 발이 작아요.
(My) brother's feet are also small. |
저도 영국에 갈 거예요.
I'm going to England too. |
삼촌도 서울대학교에서 공부했어요.
(My) uncle also studied at Seoul National University. 삼촌 means 'uncle' |
미국에서도 체리는 비싸요.
Even in the US, cherries are expensive. |
기차도 비행기도 결항이에요.
Trains and planes are both also canceled. 결항 means 'transportation cancellation' |
저는 스포츠를 잘하고 수학도 잘해요.
I am good at sports and I am good at math also. |
이 식당은 냉면도 잘해요.
This restaurant also serves cold noodles. |
친구도 중요하지만 사랑도 중요해요.
Friends are important, but love is also important. |