Korean grammar - But, even though - 지만 |
Pattern: Verb stem + 지만 The conjunction 지만 is used to connect two contrasting clauses, much like but or even though in English. 지만 is attached to the Verb stem of the first clause. Alternatively the words 그러나 and 그렇지만 (both mean 'but' or 'however') can also be used at the start of a sentence. |
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김치는 맵지만 맛있어요.
Even though kimchi is spicy, (it) is tasty.
여름이지만 덥지 않아요.
It's summer but it's not hot.
지하철은 편리하지만 너무 복잡해요.
The subway is convenient but too crowded.
딸기는 작지만 수박은 커요.
Strawberries are small, but watermelons are big.
소고기는 비싸지만 먹고 싶어요.
Beef is expensive but I want to eat (some).
하고 싶지만 지금 못 해요.
(I) want to, but I can't (right) now.
저는 먹고 싶지만 배고프지 않아요.
I want to eat, but (I) am not hungry.
축구는 좋아하지만 야구는 싫어요.
(I) like soccer, but (I) dislike baseball.
그 남자는 성격이 나쁘지만 잘 생겼어요.
The guy has a bad personality, but he's good-looking.
그는 선생님이지만 학교 가기 싫었어요.
He a teacher, but (he) didn't want to go to school.
우리는 닮았지만 형제는 아니다.
We look alike but (we) are not brothers.
이 신발이 좋지만 너무 비싸요.
I like these shoes, but they are too expensive.
그는 잘 생겼어요. 그러나 여자 친구가 없어요.
He is handsome. But he doesn't have a girlfriend.
피곤해요. 그렇지만 영화 보고 싶어요.
(I) am tired. But (I) want to watch the movie.
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