Korean grammar - Dates - day, month and year |
Expressing dates in Korean is straight forward: • A day of the month: Sino-korean number + 일 (day) • A month of the year: Sino-korean number + 월 (month) • A year: Sino-korean number + 년 (year) Dates are strung together in reverse order: first the year, then the month and then the day. To say 'on' a particular date we attach the particle 에. |
Examples: | |
오늘이 며칠이에요?
What is the date (day) today? This is a common way to ask the date 며칠 means 'which day' or 'a few days' Note that 며칠 does not derive from 몇일 - this is a common misconception even among native speakers. |
오늘이 시월 이일이죠?
Today is the 2nd of October, isn't it? 십 contracts to 시 when counting objects |
어제는 시월 십사일이었어요.
Yesterday was the 14th of October. |
생일이 언제예요?
When is (your) birthday? 생일 means 'birthday' |
생일이 며칠이에요?
What date (day) is your birthday? Note again that it is not 몇일 (though this is a common misspelling) |
제 생일은 일월 십일일이에요.
My birthday is the 11th of January. |
유월 일일에 졸업했어요.
On the 1st of June (I) graduated. 육 contracts to 유 when counting objects |
몇 년이에요?
What year is it? |
What year were (you) born? / How old are you? 생 means 'life' |
저는 천구백칠십팔년에 태어났어요.
I was born in 1978. |
몇 월이에요?
What month is it? |
당신의 아들은 몇 월에 태어났어요?
What month was your son born? 태어나다 means 'to be born' |
그는 오월에 태어났어요.
He was born in May. |
한국에서 광복절은 팔월 십오일이에요.
In Korea National Liberation Day is the 15th of August. 광복절 is National Liberation Day celebrating Korean independence from Japan in 1945. |
팔월 십오일은 공휴일이에요.
The 15th of August is a public holiday. |
천구백사십오년 한국의 독립이 이루어졌어요.
Korean independence happened in 1945. |
이 책은 이천이십이년에 나왔어요.
This book came out in 2022. |