Korean grammar - In the direction of - 으로/로 |
Another common directional particle is 으로/로. This particle is used similarly to 에 but 에 implies 'to the location of' or 'to' a specific destination. 으로/로 on the other hand implies 'in the direction of'. It therefore has the sense of 'headed to'. 으로/로 is often used with points of the compass and left/right which aren't destinations per se but directions. A related term is 쪽으로 which means 'towards' |
Examples: | |
어디에 가요?
Where (specially) are (you) going?
어디로 가요?
Where/what way are (you) going? / Where are (you) headed?
저는 회사로 갔고 그녀는 집에 있었어요.
I was headed to work and she was at home. |
그는 학교로 갔어요.
He was on the way to school.
그는 학교에 갔어요.
He went/arrived to school.
우리는 서쪽으로 운전하고 있어요.
We are driving west. |
그는 위층으로 갔어요.
He went upstairs.
오른쪽으로 돌리세요.
Turn to the right. |
조종사는 비행기를 북쪽으로 돌릴 거예요.
The pilot will turn the plane to the north. |
아이가 분수 쪽으로 걸어가요.
A child is walking towards a fountain. |
원숭이가 나무 쪽으로 가요.
A monkey goes towards the tree.
책을 책장으로 옮길 거예요.
(I) will move a book to a bookshelf. |
도둑이 사거리 쪽으로 뛰어갔지요?
The thief ran towards the crossroads, didn’t he? |
간호사가 환자를 수술실로 옮겼어요.
The nurse moved the patient to the operation room. |
바깥으로 공을 던졌어요.
(I) threw the ball outside.
엄마가 아이 쪽으로 달려왔어요.
The mother ran towards the child. |
소년은 앞으로 공을 찼어요.
The boy kicked the ball forward.
오른쪽으로 얼굴을 돌려주세요.
Please turn (your) face to the right. |
왼쪽으로 움직이세요.
Move to the left. |
저는 숙제를 끝내고 나서 집으로 갈 거예요.
I will finish my homework and then go home.
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