Korean grammar - Intend to, had been intending to - (으)려고 하다 |
Pattern: Verb stem + (으)려고 하다 The pattern Verb stem + (으)려고 하다 is used to express intention. • In the present tense this pattern conveys an intended action and can mean 'will try to' or 'will attempt to' - there is some uncertainty about the outcome - much like 'to intend to' in English. • In the past tense this pattern has the sense of 'had intended to' or 'had been about to' - an imminent but often interrupted action. This pattern is often used with (으)ㄴ데 / 는데 which sets up the intention or interruption. |
Examples: | |
점심으로 뭐 먹을 거예요? 소갈비를 먹으려고 해요.
What are you going to eat for lunch? (I) going to eat beef ribs.
국수를 먹으려고 해요.
(I) am going to eat noodles. |
오늘 점심은 안 먹으려고 해요.
(I) am not going to eat lunch today. |
휴일에 뭐 할 거예요? 집에서 쉬려고 해요.
What are you going to do on vacation? (I) am trying to rest at home. |
밀린 집안일을 하려고 해요 .
(I) am trying to do the overdue chores. |
친구하고 연극을 보려고 해요.
(I) am going to see a play with a friend. |
할머니에게 소포를 보내려고 해요.
(I) am going to send a parcel to her grandmother.
기차 예약을 취소하려고 해요.
(I) am trying to cancel (my) train reservation. |
제가 직접 가서 신문을 받으려고 해요.
I am going to go get the newspaper myself. |
이번 봄에 제주도에 여행을 가려고 해요.
(I) am going on a trip to Jeju Island this spring. |
밥 먹고 지금 밖에 나가려고 해요.
(I) am going to eat and go out now. |
이제 막 손을 씻고 밥을 먹으려고 해요.
(I) am just going to wash (my) hands and eat.
우리는 지금 막 먹으려고 했어요.
We were just about to eat. |
교실을 나가려고 하는데 선생님이 저를 부르셨어요.
(I) was about to leave the classroom when the teacher called (me). |
수업이 끝나려고 하는데 학생이 질문했어요.
The class was about to end, and a student asked a question. |
이제 막 숙제하려고 했어요.
Right then (I) was just about to do (my) homework. |
세영이가 전화를 걸려고 하는데 핸드폰 전원이 꺼졌어요.
Saeyoung is trying to make a call, but (her) phone is turned off. |
전화를 걸려고 했는데 전화가 왔어요.
(She) tried to make a phone call, but a call came (someone rang). |
그는 막 자려고 했는데 시끄러워서 잠을 잘 수 없었어요.
He was just about to sleep, but it was so noisy that (he) couldn't sleep. |
막 샤워하려고 하는데 물이 안 나와요.
(He) is just about to take a shower, but there's no water. |
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