Korean grammar - Introducing Causative Verbs - 사동사 |
A causative verb (사동사) represents an action that was prompted or caused by some other action, regardless of the will of the subject. Causative verbs are an important feature of Korean. Many common causative verbs have unique forms that need to be memorised. A few of the more common ones are: • 먹다 (to eat) ⇒ 먹이다 (to feed, to cause to eat) • 듣다 (to hear) ⇒ 들리다 (to be heard, to cause to be heard) • 깨다 (to wake up, to awake) ⇒ 깨우다 (to wake someone up, to cause someone to wake up) • 앉다 (to sit down) ⇒ 앉히다 (to seat, to sit someone down) Causative verb are often combined with 주다 to give the sense that causative verb is being done for, or for the benefit, someone. |
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배고픈 아이한테 우유를 먹여요.
(I) feed the hungry child milk.
엄마가 아기에게 자장가를 들려줬어요.
The mother had the baby listen to a lullaby.
엄마가 아기를 깨웠어요.
(The) mother woke the baby up.
저는 아이를 의자에 앉혔어요.
I sat the child in a chair.
삼촌은 나에게 이 오래된 책을 읽히셨어요.
(My) uncle told (me) to read this old book.
그녀는 더러워진 고양이를 씻겨 줬어요.
She washed the cat that had gotten dirty.
그는 손자들에게 동화를 들려주는 것을 좋아해요.
He likes to tell fairy tales to his grandchildren.
문이 닫히면 아기의 소리가 들리지 않아요.
If the door is closed the baby's crying cannot be heard.
그는 손자들에게 유령 이야기를 읽어주는 것을 좋아해요.
He likes to read ghost stories to his grandchildren.
동생이 귀찮은 모기를 죽였어요.
(The) younger brother killed the annoying mosquito.
햇빛이 얼음을 녹였어요.
The sun melted the ice.
형이 아이를 울렸어요.
(The) older brother made the child cry.
그가 가방에 훔친 돈을 숨겼어요.
He hid the stolen money in a bag.
엄마가 동생을 재웠어요.
(The) mother put (the) younger brother to bed
형이 동생을 웃겼어요.
(The) older brother made (his) younger brother laugh.
그가 그릇을 비웠어요.
He emptied the bowl.
그 의자에 아기를 혼자 앉히지 마세요.
Please do not seat the baby in that chair alone.
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