Korean grammar - Location of action particle - 에서 |
Pattern: Noun + 에서 We previously saw the locative particle 에 means 'in' or 'at' which was used to indicate the location of stationary verbs like 있다 and 없다. And descriptive or feelings verbs. For the location of action verbs we use the locative particle 에서. -- Stationary verbs include 있다, 없다 and also 서다 (to stand) -- Descriptive verbs include: 크다 (to be big) and 작다 (to be small) -- Feeling verbs include: 걱정하다 (to worry) and 행복하다 (to be happy) -- Action verbs include: 일하다 (to work), 공부하다 (to study) and 가르치다 (to teach) It is the location of these action verbs that take the particle 에서. |
Examples: | |
의사가 병원에서 일해요.
The doctor works at a hospital. |
선생님이 학교에서 가르쳐요.
The teacher teaches at school. |
새가 나무에서 노래해요.
A bird sings in a tree. |
남동생은 방에서 자요.
(My) younger brother sleeps in the room. |
저는 수영장에서 수영해요.
(I) swim in a swimming pool. |
그 남자는 체육관에서 운동해요.
That man exercises in the gym. |
개가 마당에서 짖어요.
The dog barks in the yard. |
아버지가 서울에서 운전해요.
(My) father drives in Seoul. |
학생이 도서관에서 공부해요?
Does the student study in the library? |
학생은 집에서 밤에 공부해요.
The student studies at night at home. |
승희와 준수가 한국에서 결혼해요.
Seung Hee and Junsu are getting married in Korea. |
애완 동물이 정원에서 싸워요.
The pets are fighting in the garden. |
오늘 직장에서 뭐해요?
What are you doing at work today?
아버지는 부엌에서 요리해요.
(My) father is cooking in the kitchen. |
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