Korean grammar - No less than, as many as - (이)나 |
Pattern: Number/counter + (이)나 The particle (이)나 is attached to a number (or it's corresponding counter) to express up to or in excess of that number. In English the equivalent is 'no less than' or ' as many as'. The particle 밖에 (no more than) is the opposite. |
Examples: | |
백 달러나 받았어요.
(I) received as much as one hundred dollars. |
매일 텔레비전을 두 시간이나 봐요.
Every day (I) watch TV as many as two hours. |
이 봉지에는 사과가 일곱 개나 있어요.
There are as many as seven apples in this bag. |
집에 쌀이 십 킬로그램이나 있는데 왜 또 주문해야 하나요?
(We) have as many as ten kilogrammes of rice at home, so why do (we) have to order another one? |
책꽂이에 책이 천 권이나 있어요.
There are as many as a thousand books on the bookshelf. |
저는 오늘 전투기를 쉰대나 보았어요.
I saw as many as fifty fighters today.
학교에 학생들이 오천 명이나 모였어요.
There were as many as five thousand students at the school. |
그 청원서에는 삼십만 명이나 동의했어요.
As many as three hundred thousand people signed the petition. |
무지개가 두 개나 하늘에 있어요.
There are as many as two rainbows in the sky. |
시험을 보려면 일곱 과목이나 공부해야 해요.
(You) have to study as many as seven subjects to take the exam. |
저를 기다리는 사람이 열 명이나 있어요.
There are as many as ten people waiting for me. |
구두가 백 켤레나 있어요.
(I) have as many as a hundred pairs of shoes. |
말하기 대회에 심사위원이 일곱 명이나 있어요.
There are as many as seven judges for the speaking contest. |
냉장고에 과일이 아홉 가지나 있어요.
There are as many as nine kinds of fruit in the refrigerator. |
어제 술을 네 잔이나 마셨어요.
(I) drank at least four glasses of alcohol last night. |
커피값이 만 원이나 해요?
Is the price of a cup of coffee is at least ten thousand won? |
커피를 하루에 다섯 잔이나 마셔요?
Do (you) drink at least five cups of coffee a day? |
세뱃돈을 오만 원이나 받았어요.
(I) got at least fifty thousand won for New Year money.
집에 친구들이 스무 명이나 왔어요.
Twenty friends came to my home. |
오늘 공원에 차가 쉰 대나 있었어요.
There were as many as fifty cars at the park today. |
물이 반이나 남았어요.
At least half of the water remains/is left. |
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