Korean grammar - Not as good as, less than - 만 못하다 |
Pattern: Noun + 만 못하다 The pattern Noun + 만 못하다 is used to make a negative comparison. The English equivalent is to say that something is not as good as something else. It is usual to use the contrastive marker 은/는 to identify the item being compared. It is common to see the 네요 ending, which communicates a personal impression, used with this pattern. |
Examples: | |
영화는 책만 못해요.
A movie isn't as good as a book. |
쇠고기는 맛이 돼지고기만 못해요.
Beef doesn't taste as good as pork. |
이 호텔은 우리 집만 못해요.
This hotel is not as good as our house. |
이 비빔밥은 전에 먹었던 것만 못하네요.
This bibimbap is not as good as the one (I) had before.
이 지우개는 제 오래된 지우개만 못하네요.
This eraser is not as good as my old eraser. |
올해 수확은 작년만 못해요.
This year's harvest is not as good as last year's. |
채영이의 영어 실력은 철수만 못해요.
Chaeyoung's English skills aren't as good as Chulsoo's. |
그의 아이디어는 그녀의 아이디어만 못해요.
His idea is not as good as her idea. |
그 강의는 제가 들었던 강의만 못하네요.
That lecture is not as good as the lectures I have taken. |
저의 기말고사 성적은 중간고사 성적만 못해요.
My final exam grades are not as good as (my) midterm exam grades. |
이 야채는 어제 제가 산 야채만 못해요.
These vegetables are not as good as the vegetables I bought yesterday. |
재 수영 실력은 내 친구만 못해요.
My swimming skill is not as good as (my) friend's. |
재 건강은 예전만 못해요.
My health is not as good as it used to be. |
이번에 새로 나온 핸드폰 디자인은 이전 디자인만 못해요.
The design of the new mobile phone this time is not as good as the previous design. |
건강이 예전만 못한 것 같아요.
Seem that (my) health is not what it used to be. |
짧은 머리가 긴 머리만 못한 것 같아요.
(I) don't think short hair can only do long hair. |
국어 성적이 수학 성적만 못했어요.
(My) Korean grades were not as good as (my) math grades.
요리 솜씨는 형이 동생만 못해요.
The younger brother's cooking skills are not as good as (his) older brother's.
백 번 듣는 것이 한 번 보는 것만 못하죠.
Hearing a hundred times is not as good as seeing once, right? |
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