Korean grammar - To end up, turned out to be - 게 됐어요 |
Pattern: Verb stem + 게 됐어요 The Verb ending 게 됐어요 is used to express a situation that has been 'made to become' or 'ended up in' a certain way. It is a combination of the adverbal particle 게 that indicates that something is 'made' to happen in a certain way and the verb 되다 which means 'to become'. |
Examples: | |
결국 제가 하게 됐어요.
Eventually I ended up doing it.
이 회사에서 일하게 됐어요.
(I) ended up working at this company. |
다른 학교로 전학 가게 됐어요.
(I) happened to get transferred to another school. |
공원에서 친구를 만나게 됐어요.
(I) happened to meet a friend at a park. |
저희는 이번 주말에 여행을 못 가게 됐어요.
We ended up not being able to travel this weekend. |
가게가 문을 닫게 됐어요.
The store ended up being closed. |
친구와 같이 이번 여름에 한국어를 공부하게 됐어요.
(I) ended up studying Korean with a friend this summer. |
내일은 쉬게 됐어요.
(I) ended up (deciding to have) having a rest tomorrow. |
바빠서 그만두게 됐어요.
I was busy so (I) ended up quitting.
그 친구와 사랑하게 됐어요.
(I) ended up falling in love with that friend. |
다리 다쳐서 하이킹 못 가게 되었어요.
(I) hurt my leg so (I) can't hike.
갑자기 일이 생겨서 못 가게 될 것 같아요.
Something suddenly happened so it seems I will not be able to go.
카페에 두시간 이상 앉아 있는 것이 불가능하게 되었다.
It became impossible to sit in a cafe for more than two hours.
어제 밤 자정까지 공부를 하게 됐어요.
(I) ended up studying until midnight last night. |
남자 친구를 어떻게 만나게 됐어요?
How did (you) end up meeting (your) boyfriend? |
나중에 알게 될 거예요.
(You) will end up finding out (knowing) later. |
미국에 어떻게 오게 됐어요?
How did (you) end up coming to America? |
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