
The Language Learning App Company

The Japanese word


is pronounced
sentaa | せんたー
a center
shoppingu sentā wa doko desu ka.
Where's the shopping center?
shoppingu sentā wa ichi mairu saki desu.
The shopping center is a mile further down the road. | The shopping center is one mile ahead.
gakusei sentā wa hanashi o suru no ni yoi tokoro da.
The student center is a good place to strike up conversations.
watashi tachi wa shoppingu sentā o burabura arui ta.
We wandered round the shopping center.
sono kyōdasha ni sonae te sentā wa jubi ichi o kae ta.
The center fielder shifted his position for the slugger.
rinkān . sentā ni wa dō ike ba yoi no desu ka.
Can you tell me how to get to Lincoln Center?
sentā no senju wa uiningubōru o gacchiri totta.
The center fielder made a firm catch for the winning out.
waga ryokō sōdan sentā wa kojin ryokō sha ni sābisu o teikyō suru.
Our travel advice center caters to the independent traveler.
futtobōru to basukettobōru de sentā o shi te i masu.
I play center in football and basketball.
### - sapōto sentā ni denwa suru mae ni FAQ o yon de kudasai.
Take a look at the FAQ before you call tech support.
ē, ichiban chikai shoppingu sentā kara me to hana no saki yo.
Yes. And it's only a hop, skip and a jump to the nearest mall.
kono sentā ni hairu ni wa kyoka shō o teiji suru yō motome rare te iru.
You are asked to produce your permit to get in this center.
kono shoppingu sentā wa nan ji kara nan ji made yatte i masu ka.
What hours is the shopping center open?
winburuzon ni wa, sentā kōto o fukume te ichi hachi no shibafu kōto ga aru.
Wimbledon has eighteen grass courts, including the Center Court.
toyū wake de, jinzai o keihatsu suru tame no sentā ga nippon ni tsukura reru beki de aro u.
Therefore, a center for the development of human resources should be built in Japan.
korera no uchi no yaku ichi man yon sen nin ga, tsūrei, sentā kōto e no nyūjō ken o motte iru.
About 14,000 of these usually have tickets for the Center Court.
sono sentā no mokuteki wa, aru tokutei no kikan nai ni ta no kuniguni kara no wakamono o kunren suru koto de aru.
The goal of the center should be to train young people from other countries within a specific time period.
senjitsu wagaya no suishitsu kensa o okonai mashi ta. aru yūmei kaisha no kankyō bunseki sentā tokayū tokoro ni shi te morai mashi ta.
The other day, a water quality inspection was carried out at our house. We had it done by a certain famous company's Environment Analysis Center or some such name.
zenkoku kyōiku jōhō sentā ni yore ba, taishoku shi ta kyōin ga fukushoku shi te iru okage de, yosoku sa re ta kyōin fusoku wa okora nai daro u, toyū koto desu.
The National Center for Education Information says a predicted teacher shortage won't pan out because teachers who left the profession are returning.
Examples sourced from