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The Japanese word


is pronounced
gikai | ぎかい
Diet, congress, parliament
gikai wa kaisan shi ta.
Parliament has been dissolved.
gikai wa kyūkai ni nari mashi ta.
Congress went into recess.
sono hōritsu wa gikai o tsūka shi ta.
The law has gone through parliament.
karera wa hōan o gikai ni teijutsu shi ta.
They introduced a bill in Congress.
gikai o nadameru tame no esa desu yo.
It's a sop to Congress.
yosan wa karōjite gikai no shōnin o e ta.
The budget was narrowly approved by Congress.
seifu wa gikai no bappon teki na kaikaku ni chakuju shi ta.
The government undertook a drastic reform of parliament.
gikai wa ichi yon seiki eikoku ni sono kigen ga aru.
Parliament has its beginnings in 14th-century England.
sono hōan wa gikai o tsūka suru hitsuyō ga aru.
It is necessary that the bill pass the Diet.
renpō yosan wa karōjite gikai no shōnin o e ta.
The federal budget was narrowly approved by Congress.
seifu wa sono hōan o gōin ni gikai o tsūka sa se ta.
The government pushed the bill through the Diet.
### - jōー wa raishū, gikai de enzetsu suru tsumori de iru.
The queen is going to address parliament next week.
gikai ga saisho ni umare ta no wa itsu da ka shitte i masu ka.
Do you know when the first parliament came into being?
jushō wa gikai no bappon teki na kaikaku ni chakuju suru tsumori ga aru koto o hyōmei shi ta.
The premier announced his intention to undertake drastic reforms in parliament.
daitōryō wa sono hōan nitaishite kyohi ken o kōshi shi mashi ta ga, gikai ga saido sore o mukō ni shi mashi ta.
The President vetoed the bill, but Congress overrode his veto.
renpō gikai ga sono hōan o kaketsu shi ta kekka, sore made ijō ni ōku no kokki ga yakisute rare ta ni chigai ari masen.
I am sure that more flags were burned as a result of Congress passing that law than had ever been burned before.
kōshita koto o jikkuri kōryo shi te kara, suishin sha wa hōritsu an toyū katachi de keikaku an o teijutsu suru ga, gikai de no hihan ni taisho suru tame ni, rūto no henkō o yoginaku sa se rareru kamo shire nai.
After weighing all these considerations, the promoters will present their scheme in the form of a private bill; however, they might find themselves forced to alter the route in order to meet criticisms in Parliament.
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